How It Works
Claiming a PERFORMANCE TOKEN allows you to become a participant in the action. “Channelling” means you listen to a spoken word audio file and repeat the words out loud immediately, as you hear them. Our aim is to create a spontaneous chorus of people on their phones, with multiple voices speaking dialogue in unison.
To imagine how …all the reporters… works, picture someone joining the line for coffee, seemingly on the phone. It would appear to be another annoying aural assault on everybody waiting to get a coffee. Someone else wanders the booths also on their phone. Another performer is in the public bathroom, on the phone, and so on (the more “channelers” the better). A subversive “chorus” emerges –– a piece of theater in which it becomes evident that performers are having fictional conversations, spouting the same words of a notorious liar in unison. Real and fictional phone calls become confused –– is the person next to you engaged in an actual phone call or are they channelling John Gotti from 1983?
We are looking for people to come channel with us. So claim a token and bring your phone and earbuds!